Encinitas Chamber of Commerce

Spiritual Arts Institute

Spiritual Arts Institute


MeditationAlternative Medicine HealthNon-Profit Organizations

About Us

Spiritual Arts Institute is the premier metaphysical school for the aura, health and spiritual growth. We offer inspiring workshops and classes, taught in-person and online, designed to build your own direct connection to the Divine and ignite your soul's potential. We offer programs at every level of interest from single workshops to steady ongoing training.

Our mission is to offer clear, practical and high quality spiritual education designed to assist the soul in its spiritual evolution.

Founded in 2005 by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis, Spiritual Arts Institute is 501(c)(3) tax exempt educational corporation located in Encinitas, CA. The goal of the Institute is to help people from all walks of life accelerate their spiritual understanding and development. It is our aim to help reassign metaphysics to its proper place in the study of life and human development and to inspire confidence, love, self-sufficiency, charity, kindness, creativity, and inner knowing in all aspects of life.

SAI programs are developed by the inspired, experienced teachings of Martin and Moraitis. They are founded on a rich 4,000 year mystical tradition known as The Kingdom of Light Teachings™ and built on Barbara’s clairvoyant experiences and training over five decades. The Institute offers certification programs in personal spiritual development, spiritual healing and metaphysical teaching.

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Healing Room