Encinitas Chamber of Commerce

Self-Realization Fellowship


Religious OrganizationsCommunity OrganizationsNon-Profit Organizations

About Us

Self Realization Fellowship does not want emails - we ask you that you please call us or visit us instead. We are a worldwide nonprofit spiritual organization founded by Paramahansa Yogananda.

''At the Encinitas Retreat and Ashram Center, Paramahansa Yogananda lived for many years and began the first SRF retreat program. It is beautifully situated high above the Pacific Ocean, about 25 miles north of downtown San Diego. The temple and gardens were established by swami Paramahansa Yogananda in 1937, but the temple itself was built too close to the cliff edge, and was torn down in 1942 to avoid it tumbling into the ocean.''


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Rep/Contact Info

Sister Sarala
  • Phone: (760) 753-2888
  • Fax: (760) 753-8156
Theresa Virant
Sup. of SRF Books & Gifts